Sunday 25th September 2023
We had a very successful Club Finals Day on the 24th September, with around 80 competitors and spectators attending throughout the day. In the morning, Jeremy Cooke and Raman Kapoor were the top two players in our fun social morning competition. In the afternoon, the main finals matches took place, together with a highly successful under 9 regional junior competition. All the finals matches were closely fought with Elliott Kemp our overall men’s champion, and in a match played earlier in the week, Liz Hindley was the overall women’s champion. For the juniors, Finley Hodgkins was the winner of the Under 14s competition and Kabir Khurana was the winner of the Under 12s category. Full results are listed below together with some photos from the day. Many congratulations to all the finalists and huge thanks to Tom Lewis, our hard-working Tournament organiser.